Building the Future We All Want to See

The Problem We Address

Do you find yourself lacking the finances, partners, data, learning opportunities, and other resources needed to achieve the results you hope for? If so, you’re in good company. Many of us working to solve critical issues such as inequality and inclusion, climate change, and the protection of democracy could achieve far more if we were well-resourced. 

Making Our Mission Relevant to You

Our mission is to propel the social sector by driving resources into organizations that most broadly and directly accelerate its progress. When social impact infrastructure organizations have the capacity to, for example, increase nonprofit and civil society capacities, global giving, volunteerism, and the public uptake of socially directed investments, they unlock an abundance of resources that many more of us can utilize.

Propel Philanthropy encourages social actors to move beyond working in silos alone to collectively increase the common good. Together, we can accelerate the social sector’s ability to advance all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Approach

For organizations

We created a network of 45-plus social impact infrastructure organizations (SIIOs). Each one builds resources regionally, nationally, or globally. Collectively, we increase social assets, including charitable, human resource, and value-aligned social investment capital; nonprofit and philanthropic capacity, collaborations and partnerships, the scaling of innovations, and more.

For funders

We encourage and inspire funders individually or collectively to champion broad “mega solutions.” They can do so by working alongside SIIOs or by creating their own projects. Learn more.

As discussed in the section below, we also convene funders.

Member achive
Member achive

What Some Social-Impact Infrastructure Organizations Have Achieved

Confluence Philanthropy helped secure the Belonging Pledge; this involved people with collective assets equaling $1.89 trillion under management who are committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Philanthropy Support Organizations active in our network support their members with assets under management exceeding $750 billion. They help these member give more effectively, equitably, and ethically. WINGS secured over 600 signatures from foundations pledging to take urgent action on climate change. The National Council of Nonprofits secured $50 billion from Congress in forgivable PPP loans for nonprofits during the COVID crisis.

Convening Funders

Propel Philanthropy has a mandate to convene funder-to-funder meetings to accelerate the social sector. The more charitable capital we unlock, the bigger, more inclusive, and equitable pie we can create. The same principle applies broadly. We are delighted to share that we have successfully brought together funders from major foundations to small private donors. We warmly invite all with their own endowments to join us. Meetings are held quarterly on zoom and last an hour.

Some of Our Members
