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GIFE (Group of Institutes, Foundations, and Enterprises)

Social Investment Accelerator

GIFE is the largest network of social investors in Brazil, including private foundations, corporations, and institutes focused on social development. It offers resources for collaboration, advocacy, and capacity building to enhance social investment across Brazil.


Giving Compass

Donor-Serving Organization

Research conducted by Giving Compass (GC) reveals that only 9% of donors do comparative research before giving away money. This finding is quite significant, considering how much more effective one nonprofit can be compared to another. GC is unique in that it offers its visitors numerous giving options, including donating to nonprofits, issue funds & intermediaries, projects, or by joining a giving circle. The organization also provides high-quality information on a wide range of issue areas and other resources for donors. Its mission is to empower donors to make informed giving decisions and create a more just world.

Impact Report

Global Philanthropy Forum

Donor-Serving Organization

Attending Skoll and Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF) conferences is a “must” on many foundations and high-net-worth private donors’ to-do lists. The organization is an outgrowth of World Affairs. It has grown and now offers a Brazilian Philanthropy Forum and an African Philanthropy Forum. GPF focuses internationally, convening funders to learn, collaborate, and bring together effective solutions to combat some of the world’s most intractable problems. GPF believes that success comes when you provide those convened with context, strategies, possible partners, giving vehicles, and the means for measuring success.


Generation Pledge

Charitable & Human Capital Development

Over the next 25 years, roughly $68 trillion will be transferred to the next generation. And every year, many more people inherit large sums of money. Yet, we are doing very little to capture this massive windfall. Generation Pledge (GP) has already received $1.5 billion in pledges. GP works closely with existing and future inheritors through consultations to prepare them to achieve high impact with their giving. GP also asks pledgers to employ their social, career, and political capital. The organization’s founders are pledgers themselves, and they are passionate about doing what we can now — including engaging exponential levers — to create a better future for all of us.



Charitable & Human Capital Development

On GivingTuesday in 2021, $2.7 billion was raised in the United States alone. However, GivingTuesday does a lot more. It’s a global generosity movement that reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and has inspired countless people to give in different ways: volunteer, help people directly, or set up a group that serves the community. GivingTuesday’s Data Commons also works with partners across sectors and borders to understand the drivers and impacts of generosity, explore giving behaviors and patterns, and use data to inspire more giving around the world.