Propel Philanthropy strongly supports backbone organizations, or Social Impact Infrastructure Organizations (SIIOs) as we refer to them. We believe they have untold, and often untapped, potential as powerful enablers and catalysts for wide-reaching social change. We hope this unique signposting resource will help you discover the breadth and depth of their vital work around the world. We provide this directory in good faith and do not endorse individual organizations – find out why here.
Why Support Social Impact Infrastructure Organizations?
Under the right circumstances small grants to SIIOs can drive big results. One key advantage is that when you help these organizations grow, you improve their abilities to achieve broad impact. Consider the outcomes you could realize by improving an SIIO’s capacity to partner with governments, train the next generation of leaders, serve the nonprofit sector, or help donors give more effectively.
If you are considering funding, supporting or partnering an organization listed here, please do your due diligence. Wherever possible content has been provided by the organizations themselves – alternatively it is in the public domain.