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Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Charitable & Human Capital Development

HKCSS assists NGOs in service planning and development, agency finance and administration, fundraising, service development in the assistance of children, youth, the elderly, family and rehabilitation and engages in cross-sector partnerships between the government, NGOs and the business sector.


National Foundation for Civil Society Development

Charitable & Human Capital Development

The National Foundation is a public foundation that provides professional and financial support to programs that promote the sustainability of the non-profit sector, intersectoral cooperation, civic initiatives, philanthropy, volunteering, and improve the democratic institutions of society in Croatia.


Southeast Asia Development Program

Charitable & Human Capital Development | Social Investment Accelerator

SEDP focuses on advancing social development in Southeast Asia by building capacity among nonprofits and social enterprises. The network aims to create strategic partnerships between donors and practitioners to address poverty, inequality, and climate change.


Cemefi (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía)

Charitable & Human Capital Development | Nonprofit-Serving Organization

Cemefi promotes philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and nonprofit professionalism in Mexico. It provides capacity-building, advocacy, and certification programs for nonprofits and socially responsible companies.


Southern African Institute of Fundraising (SAIF)

Charitable & Human Capital Development

SAIF supports fundraising professionals in Southern Africa through training, accreditation, and resources. It promotes ethical fundraising practices and strengthens the nonprofit sector by building capacity in resource mobilization.



Charitable & Human Capital Development

VANI – Voluntary Action Network India – is a national network that represents and supports voluntary organizations in India. It provides policy advocacy, capacity-building, and networking opportunities, strengthening the role of nonprofits in India’s development sector.



Charitable & Human Capital Development | Nonprofit-Serving Organization

Every year billions of development and humanitarian assistance dollars miss their mark and fail to make a significant impact where they’re needed most. Humentum believes in a different future, equipping organizations with the tools and resources to transform their operations to become more resilient, equitable, and accountable through training, consultancy, community-building, and advocacy.


Propel Member

Catalyst 2030

Charitable & Human Capital Development | Movements & Campaigns

Catalyst 2030 is a fast-growing movement that works to help its 5,132 individual members and 3,433 organizations improve their capacities to achieve social impact and realize the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. What is particularly impressive is the exceptional level of enthusiasm and commitment of members — demonstrated partly by the extraordinary amount of volunteer hours given — to maintain a highly democratic and collaborative process to drive change.


Impact Report
Propel Member
Theory of Change

SDG Philanthropy Platform

Charitable & Human Capital Development

According to NPTrust, foundations gave away close to $91 billion in 2021. However, giving from philanthropy is just a tiny sliver of the pie. Much larger amounts of development funding come from governments. The SDG Philanthropy Platform (SDGPP) is a part of Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support. The organization convenes local actors and diverse sectors to create enabling environments. SDGPP is part of the United Nations Development Program, which works in 170 countries. Despite skepticism, UNDP has built trust and provides valuable consultative services in many of these countries. Successful partnerships with governments and related organizations can increase development efforts enormously and prevent wasting extensive amounts of money.


Generation Pledge

Charitable & Human Capital Development

Over the next 25 years, roughly $68 trillion will be transferred to the next generation. And every year, many more people inherit large sums of money. Yet, we are doing very little to capture this massive windfall. Generation Pledge (GP) has already received $1.5 billion in pledges. GP works closely with existing and future inheritors through consultations to prepare them to achieve high impact with their giving. GP also asks pledgers to employ their social, career, and political capital. The organization’s founders are pledgers themselves, and they are passionate about doing what we can now — including engaging exponential levers — to create a better future for all of us.



Charitable & Human Capital Development

On GivingTuesday in 2021, $2.7 billion was raised in the United States alone. However, GivingTuesday does a lot more. It’s a global generosity movement that reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and has inspired countless people to give in different ways: volunteer, help people directly, or set up a group that serves the community. GivingTuesday’s Data Commons also works with partners across sectors and borders to understand the drivers and impacts of generosity, explore giving behaviors and patterns, and use data to inspire more giving around the world.


VolunteerMatch and Similar Others

Charitable & Human Capital Development

One overlooked approach for achieving macro-level impact involves supporting the work of organizations that increase volunteerism, fellowships, leadership skills, and the number of people choosing to take up socially impactful careers. VolunteerMatch has helped close to 140,000 nonprofits attract 17.4 million volunteers, bringing countless hours of support to the nonprofit sector. Points of Light attracts 5 million volunteers annually, equaling $482 million. Other similar organizations include TapRoot Foundation, All for Good, International Volunteer HQ, plus more than ten others. The collective volunteer hours spent because of these organizations are immense!


Charity Navigator and Others

Charitable & Human Capital Development

It is easy to overlook the critical role organizations such as Charity Navigator (CN) have in increasing giving by building the public’s trust. In their own words, “Every year, millions of Americans rely on Charity Navigator’s ratings and resources to guide their giving.” Much to its credit, CN has become increasingly sophisticated with its rating system, which helps many donors make better choices while increasing their understanding of what to look for when choosing a nonprofit. Other comparable organizations include Candid, Giving Compass, Give Well, and CharityWatch. These and similar organizations collectively play a critical role in unlocking greater reserves of charitable capital worldwide.


Second Day

Charitable & Human Capital Development

Imagine the impact we could achieve by significantly increasing the number of people involved in socially impactful careers. Among other things, Second Day provides colleges and universities with resources to encourage students to consider this kind of career. In their own words, Second Day is “Launching the most diverse and innovative generation of social sector leaders in American history. We are dismantling inequitable talent pipelines into the social sector through skill development, mentorship, and career planning.” Second Day created Launchpad, a comprehensive online portal to help anyone interested begin a social impact career.


Philanthropy Together

Charitable & Human Capital Development

The landscape of philanthropy is shifting, and collective giving will continue to play a transformational role. Philanthropy Together (PhT) is on a mission to democratize and diversify philanthropy globally in order to expand who and what gets funded. Through training, research, and advocacy, Philanthropy Together is ushering in a new era of philanthropy that is democratic, diverse, and powered by people acting in solidarity — with a goal to scale and strengthen the movement to 350,000 diverse individuals pooling their time, talent, and treasure in more than 3,000 giving circles by 2025. PhT helps start new giving circles and helps existing giving circles thrive.


Millennium Campus Network

Charitable & Human Capital Development
The Millennium Campus Network (MCN) is a Boston-based, global non-profit that unites and trains the next generation of social impact leaders. MCN is building a robust global campus network that enables young leaders to contribute to causes, drawing upon best practices across issue areas and borders. The organization has graduated over 10,000 students from 450 universities in 38 countries. Its Fellowship draws over 30,000 applicants annually.


Impact Report