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Achieving Change Together!

Funders Meet Funders

What if we inspired enough collaboration and cooperation to move the field of philanthropy from half-throttle to full speed ahead? How can we also move the fields of social impact and innovation full speed ahead? Today, only 2% of the financial market invests in advancing social impact. Could we increase that number to 10% by the end of the decade? Despite great efforts by organizations such as Levers for Change, the field of social innovation is still highly siloed. Can we work together to ensure that our best innovations get identified, heavily publicized, and scaled to the maximum extent possible? Can we ensure that we all have better access to relevant, actionable data?

On May 17th, ten funders kicked off our first meeting to discuss questions such as these. We are a diverse range of funders from small to large. Some give away hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, while others contribute hundreds of thousands. We are encouraged to share that our organizers will meet with leaders from another social impact infrastructure funder’s group on July 24th. We hope this meeting will accelerate our progress and we will report on the outcomes here. 

These meetings are open to all endowed institutional and private funders who, without regranting, give away a minimum of $100,000 annually. If what you read piques your interest and you fit those criteria, you are welcome to join us! Please register here and let us know that you want to learn more about our funder-to-funder meetings. 

 You can read a piece titled Imagine the Possibilities by Peter Brach here.