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Achieving Change Together!

Webinar on Addressing the PolyCrisis Differently

In today’s landscape, we confront not a singular challenge but an interwoven tapestry of urgent issues needing to be addressed —  what some call a polycrisis. We cannot solve these problems piecemeal alone. Now is the time to begin exploring how to collaborate to achieve broader, big-picture approaches to change. For example, how can we increase the capacities of the philanthropy, nonprofit, and civil society sectors? (You can find more big-picture examples here.)

Join us on Monday, November 6, at 9:00 a.m. PDT for an exclusive funder-to-funder meeting. Representatives from leading foundations will discuss their experiences working in this critical arena. You will be introduced to an array of possibilities other funders have suggested. 

This meeting promises to be interactive, with a blend of voices from diverse funders, as we collectively explore big-picture alternatives. Your participation could help set the stage as we join forces to address the polycrisis we face differently.

Please get in touch with Peter Brach at peter@propelpy.org to join this session.