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Achieving Change Together!

Understanding Propel Philanthropy

We hope this page provides clarity for our members and others seeking a more in-depth understanding of Propel Philanthropy. The topics below came from feedback received before and during our June briefing. These include, the purpose of our Collaborative Media Campaign (CMC); how it benefits members; the scheduling and progression of our CMC; Propel Philanthropy’s role in the social impact building ecosystem; response to feedback on articles published; and components of our CMC.


Social Impact Infrastructure Organizations (SIIOs)- Organizations that typically support and amplify the philanthropy, nonprofit, and civil society sectors. Some SIIOs increase social impact within the government and religious sectors.

The Purpose of Our Collaborative Media Campaign
Many successful networks began by publishing media and disseminating it through their supporters. Propel Philanthropy’s network follows the same approach. We seek to push out persuasive communications that increase appreciation and support for SIIOs published and disseminated as far and wide as possible. Getting media on SIIOs disseminated is a steppingstone to creating the familiarity, credibility, and connections needed to approach funders and ask them to invest in SIIOs or social impact infrastructure in other capacities. We bring these materials to the attention of funders directly as well.

How Our CMC Benefits Members
Those attending conferences will not find sessions on increasing social impact infrastructure or supporting SIIOs. Those filling out forms that list cause areas will not find infrastructure funding as an option. These symptoms will not change if members only support their areas of focus. We must expand the pie so that, in time, more members will benefit from additional support and recognition. (Members who cannot share particular articles as an organization are asked to consider doing so individually.

Scheduling and Progression of Our Campaign
Five of the ten articles will get published by July 15th, the final day of our 2022-2023 annual CMC. Alliance Magazine (AM) will publish those remaining by the end of August. Propel Philanthropy will then advertise in AM this fall. AM will produce a report based on the ten articles. Finally, AM is in conversation with Philanthropy Impact on collaborating to host what we hope will be an exceptionally well-attended online webinar on SIIOs and social impact-related infrastructure. The date is TBA. 

Propel Philanthropy’s Role in the Social Impact Infrastructure Ecosystem
Propel Philanthropy focuses on increasing appreciation and support for promising SIIOs and other efforts to accelerate social impact sectors. We do not engage in programming, hold physical events, help shape policies, or support causes directly. While we have packets to assist consultants SIIOs, and foundations, we do not plan to produce new ones moving forward.

Our primary activity involves running our CMC to communicate effectively, particularly to funders. Our approaches include publishing persuasive, penetrating, evocative, and well-informed media; addressing our audience’s areas of concern, primarily funders; and providing compelling stories and an inspiring vision of unrealized possibilities by focusing on building social impact infrastructure. If we can get 10-15 influencers to share our best communications, we will be off to a great start.  

Feedback on Articles Published
We received a positive reaction to the WINGS article and feedback that the articles are too long and not focused enough on messaging related to showing the impact these organizations are creating, the urgency of supporting infrastructure, and providing action steps people can take. We have been in conversation with David Drewery at AM who is providing us with drafts before articles are published. However, we have no control over what those being interviewed choose to discuss. We respect the right of our members to respond to articles they believe their audience will appreciate.

Components of Our CMC

CMC components include creating effective communications through media, including speaking at conferences; building a groundswell of support to disseminate our communications effectively; providing a toolkit for those wishing to write on social impact infrastructure; providing supportive materials for philanthropic consultants seeking to provide opportunities for their clients; providing information for funders wishing to mitigate risks when giving capacity support for SIIOs. We also work alongside others to find ways to bridge the communication gaps that inhibit PSOs from increasing support from their members.