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Achieving Change Together!

November 18, 2023 / admin

Beacon Collaborative

The Beacon Collaborative is a UK charity that aims to increase philanthropy and impact investment in the UK by encouraging and supporting socially-conscious wealth-holders to give more of their private assets for public good — to show them they can do more as individuals and collectively with their peers. Beacon works with experienced and new donors as well as policy makers, government, the wider philanthropic sector and the media to foster a greater culture of giving. Their goals are to grow regular philanthropic giving by the wealthy, either through donations or social investment, annually by £2 billion. encourage wealth holders to invest their skills, networks and time in civil society and contribute to a joined-up philanthropy ecosystem that supports philanthropists in giving more and giving better.

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“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

—Abraham Lincoln

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“The best minute is the one you spend on investing in people.”

—Kenneth H. Blanchard