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Achieving Change Together!

August 20, 2022 / admin




On GivingTuesday in 2021, $2.7 billion was raised in the United States alone. However, GivingTuesday does a lot more. It’s a global generosity movement that reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and has inspired countless people to give in different ways: volunteer, help people directly, or set up a group that serves the community. GivingTuesday’s Data Commons also works with partners across sectors and borders to understand the drivers and impacts of generosity, explore giving behaviors and patterns, and use data to inspire more giving around the world.

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“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

—Abraham Lincoln

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“The best minute is the one you spend on investing in people.”

—Kenneth H. Blanchard