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August 20, 2022 / admin

Global Philanthropy Forum

Global Philanthropy Forum


Attending Skoll and Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF) conferences is a “must” on many foundations and high-net-worth private donors’ to-do lists. The organization is an outgrowth of World Affairs. It has grown and now offers a Brazilian Philanthropy Forum and an African Philanthropy Forum. GPF focuses internationally, convening funders to learn, collaborate, and bring together effective solutions to combat some of the world’s most intractable problems. GPF believes that success comes when you provide those convened with context, strategies, possible partners, giving vehicles, and the means for measuring success.

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“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

—Abraham Lincoln

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“The best minute is the one you spend on investing in people.”

—Kenneth H. Blanchard