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Achieving Change Together!

July 27, 2022 / admin

Alliance Magazine

Alliance Magazine


It is easy to overlook the value that philanthropy publications provide to its sector. Many of today’s most influential thought leaders got their start from one of these publications. Alliance Magazine provides a platform for countless people to present new approaches or ideas, develop a presence, discuss, analyze, support, or debate existing trends, practices, or opinions. In their own words, “Alliance is the leading quarterly magazine for philanthropy and social investment worldwide. It provides news and analysis of what’s happening in the philanthropy and social investment sectors across the world.” Alliance Magazine also provides ample opportunities for philanthropists to convene to discuss a broad range of topical issues.

Testimonial Image

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

—Abraham Lincoln

Testimonial Image

“The best minute is the one you spend on investing in people.”

—Kenneth H. Blanchard