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Achieving Change Together!

Understanding Propel Philanthropy

Propel Philanthropy passionately seeks to catalyze transformative change by increasing appreciation and support for social impact infrastructure organizations (SIIO). These pivotal entities provide the critical underpinning and amplification for the philanthropy, nonprofit, and civil society sectors. For instance, some SIIOs improve how funders spend billions of dollars each year, while others collectively offer services to hundreds of thousands of nonprofits across 236 countries. 

However, most SIIOs are chronically underfunded, and their capacities to achieve sustainable, transformative results are too often compromised. Consequently, Propel Philanthropy does not tackle issues like equity and inclusion, nonprofit capacity building, systemic change, ineffective giving, or power dynamics directly. Instead, we leverage change by empowering SIIOs that are well-positioned to achieve these broad, critical results.

Our Collaborative Media Campaign
Propel Philanthropy recognizes that transformative change begins with transformational communication. Our Collaborative Media Campaign aims to combine solid data with materials that reshape perceptions and stir emotions.

We know that facts alone will not fuel change; it is also authentically expressed writing and stories that resonate on a human level — the shared experiences that bind us — combined with compelling evidence of success. It is these that transform indifference into action. By artfully blending rigorous research with narratives that touch the heart, the content we disseminate doesn’t just inform — it inspires and mobilizes. We’re reporting returns on investments while we narrate lived human experiences and testimonials. We are forging connections between readers and the front-line champions of SIIOs, bridging gaps with understanding, and creating a space for empathy, which collectively drives support.

Other Campaign Components
Peter Brach, our founder, initiated a funder-to-funder group involving foundations and private donors. They explore and initiate strategic actions that bolster social impact-related infrastructure. This past summer, our collaboration with Alliance Magazine and WINGS culminated in a ten-part series spotlighting the work of SIIOs. We stand ready to work alongside SIIOs interested in increasing funding by improving communications with their members. And when opportunities arise, we speak at conferences. We believe these components comprise a holistic and effective strategy for increasing appreciation and funding for SIIOs.

Our Recent Results Must Continue!
We view our recent partnership with Alliance Magazine and WINGS as a significant achievement. We are thrilled to share that these articles were opened by 66,407 people, accumulating a total of 103,135 views. This milestone was not just our achievement but a collective success, made possible by your invaluable support and engagement, especially noted on LinkedIn. Now as our work advances, we rely on your continued support. We must build a groundswell to ensure our messages resonate far and wide. Please stand with us as we endeavor to transform the funding paradigm and construct a social impact infrastructure that propels groundbreaking progress.